Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So... I'm thinking that maybe it's hormonal. Maybe my desire to do nothing is my body's way of telling me that I need to just do nothing. Sit and rest. I am tired. I look at recipe books and I see yummy meals that I'd love to eat - if someone would just cook them for me, and while this Mysterious Person is at it, would you clean, too? Do you happen to do laundry? And what about toilets? The kid bathroom has reached that point again that I'm afraid to enter it. If I have to pee while I'm up in (what we are now calling) the Kids' Loft, I come back down stairs and use mine instead. And bedtime, Mysterious Person, can you read to the kids, and then do the whole fighting that ensues afterward to get them to actually lay still in bed? I'll come up and sing to them - that's a tradition that I'll still hold up, but everything else... I'm tired. So tired.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Back to cloth

Cloth diapers come with all sorts of interesting adventures. I enjoy the ones that include admiring cute covers, or finding some great deal on Nikki's Diapers. I also enjoy the feeling of knowing that I've saved another $40 this month since I didn't have to buy yet another pack of the cheapest brand I can find. But, Cloth diapering in South Dakota is a totally different experience than in Texas. It's cold up here. Really, really cold. And that makes the water coming through my pipes - though not frozen - really, really cold. My fingers are like ice. The toilet bowl has become a torture device for one self-inflicting mother. I finally decided to run the bathroom sink with luke warm water so that I could thaw my digits in between rinsing off the diaper and the cover. I'm somewhat concerned with the wasted water that is just flowing down the drain, but I'm grateful that I'm avoiding the near frostbite that has painfully consumed my fingers yesterday. It has given me another reason to look forward (with great anticipation) to Spring.