Tuesday, September 25, 2012

8 Years Old

Today Paul turns eight. It's amazing to think that he is that old already. He's lost seven teeth, and I really should know how tall he is. I know he weighs about 48 pounds. He's sweet and sensitive, he is a great big brother and loves to take care of his little sisters. He is a wiz at math and sciences. He has an amazing way to think through problems logically to find solutions. He loves computer games, gymnastics, running, and learning about the Gospel. I am so proud of this kid... can you tell? :) He is an amazing example to his siblings, and I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent him to our home.

P.S. If anyone is interested we are going to Pennsylvania this weekend, and Paul will be baptized on Saturday the 29th at 3pm in the Doylestown Chapel.  If you happen to be in that neck of the woods - the more the merrier.


  1. What a huge milestone! I bet Jeff is so excited to baptize him. It is amazing how fast they grow. I often think, "Wow I've kept a person alive for that long!"

    1. LOL I agree! He's made it eight whole years and survived fairly in tact! Hallelujah!

  2. Humm tempting invitation. Happy Birthday Paul.
