Jeff's asleep. All four kids are asleep. I had an hour and a half nap this afternoon... I guess I get to blog! So... It's been a while since I've posted anything. Important updates from the past few weeks: My due date has been changed to July 4th - sadly the first ultrasound that I got was way off, and I have to be pregnant for three more weeks. My mom's recovery from her second hip replacement seems to be going well. After a tough fight, Jeff's dad is cancer free. The lights in our hall are working again, and the fridge now spouts water and ice thanks to a handy husband. ... I suppose that's the important stuff. :)

I was really worried about coming back to South Dakota after my trip back East for the holiday. (To my Maryland/Virginia friends, sorry I didn't make it down to visit - sick kids, sick mom, exhausted holiday... that's my excuse) Life in a quiet neighborhood is just so lonely compared to all the excitement and random visits of Texas Family Housing. But, coming back has been pretty nice. I'm actually catching myself appreciating the scenery, and the life that we are starting to fall into. I had a distinct impression when we first moved here that our years here will be some of the happiest years of our life... and for the first time, I'm starting to believe it.
The kids are having a pretty good time here, too. Though they miss their friends like crazy. ( I think it's hilarious how Daven still asks why all of his friends up here are white. He keeps asking me why there are no kids the same color as Mazin - one of his good friends from Sudan. I think he misses the diversity) Paul and Daven are in wrestling right now, but we are having a tough time getting Daven to understand that he's actually allowed to knock the other guy to the ground, he just wants to give 'em hugs. Paul actually has some talent there, he just needs a bit more practice. Ruthie is in gymnastics twice a week at a great gym downtown. They actually work on skills with the little kids - not just playtime. It's right up her alley and she now has a reason to do all the crazy stunts that she loves to do. Lillie is trying so hard to be just like her big siblings. She climbs onto everything, jabbers on and on, and is trying to potty train herself. Which really just means we have another girl that likes to run around naked all the time. It's all pretty amusing and our house and car are still the mess that it always was. I guess that's just how we do it. :) But there's a lot of laughter and a lot of hugs and I guess that's all I can ask for. I'm so grateful for the quiet times like this that I can recognize that after such a long and crazy time of my life in Texas, the Lord is letting me have a Season of Peace. lol as peaceful as life gets with four rambunctious kids.